El vestibular syndrome in dogs It is a neurological disorder that affects the equilibrium and coordination of the animal, causing disorientation and abnormal movements. Although this condition can be alarming for owners, the prognosis in most cases is favorable with proper diagnosis and treatment.
What is vestibular syndrome in dogs?
El vestibular system is responsible for coordinating the movements of the body and cabeza, allowing to maintain balance and posture. It is located in the inner ear and is connected to the brain through the vestibulocochlear nerve. Its correct functioning is essential for the mobility y Spatial Orientation Of the dog.
When this system is affected, the following occurs: vestibular syndrome, characterized by symptoms such as head tilt, instability when walking and abnormal eye movements (nystagmus).
Symptoms of vestibular syndrome in dogs
This pathology is detected mainly by the following neurological symptoms:
- Head tilt sideways.
- Unstable gait or lack of coordination (ataxia).
- Involuntary eye movement (nystagmus), in horizontal, vertical or rotary direction.
- Disorientation and confusion.
- Nausea and vomiting, due to vertigo.
- Difficulty standing or frequent falls.
Types of vestibular syndrome
Depending on your location y the origin, vestibular syndrome is classified into:
- Peripheral: Caused by alterations in the inner ear or vestibulocochlear nerve.
- Central: Related to disorders in the brain stem or brain, this type being more serious.
- Idiopathic: Of unknown cause, it occurs mainly in older dogs and usually resolves on its own within weeks.
Causes of vestibular syndrome in dogs
Vestibular syndrome can have different underlying causes, between them:
- Inner or middle ear infections (chronic otitis).
- Neurological diseases, such as brain tumors or inflammation.
- Head injuries.
- Action of certain drugs with toxic effects on the inner ear.
- Genetic factors, more common in some breeds such as the Beagle or the Cocker Spaniel.
Diagnosis of vestibular syndrome
The veterinarian will perform various tests to determine the cause and type of vestibular syndrome:
- Physical exploration and neurological evaluation.
- Ear exam to detect signs of infection.
- Blood Tests to rule out systemic diseases.
- imaging tests such as MRI or CT scan in severe cases.
Treatment of vestibular syndrome in dogs
Treatment will depend on the cause of the syndrome. Some options include:
- Antibiotics in case of ear infections.
- Anti-vertigo medications to reduce dizziness.
- Anti-inflammatory and analgesic in cases of inflammation or pain.
- Surgery if there is a tumor or serious condition in the inner ear.
In idiopathic cases, treatment is symptomatic and with home care the dog may improve in a few days or weeks.
Home care for dogs with vestibular syndrome
- Avoid slippery surfaces.
- Place food and water dishes within reach without having to bend down.
- Provide support and stability with orthopedic pillows or beds.
- Reduce stress and anxiety with a quiet atmosphere.
Dogs with vestibular syndrome can make a full recovery if they receive proper care. Although the condition can be distressing, most dogs regain their quality of life over time.
The pet is 2 months old and does not have any bacuna that can happen if I do it
Hello, my name is Tania and I have my friend of the soul sick, we are very affected by this, he is Maisson, he is 11 years old and last night he gave him this about the sondrome, I need a lot of help I don't know what to do I don't have the means at this time to start with I try so much since it is expensive, what can I do? I am very bad for me, my only child that I will be able to have is my everything.
Hello Tania. I'm very sorry about your situation, but the truth is that your puppy needs to be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Try to find the cheapest option, but you will need veterinary help. I hope that in the case of your dog it is a slight problem. Good luck. A hug.