It is very normal for me to assume that everyone loves their dogs, since I love them. And it is an indescribable love. That love I feel for my dogs usually creates certain needs around them that motivate me to look for ways to cover them in some way. And all this to have a relationship as long and lasting as possible.. That's how dog loves. I would sign up to spend my life with my dogs. And I know you would too. That's why we have to take care of them as best as possible, and that starts by trying to keep them completely healthy. And we already know that starts with food. If we are what we eat, Is your dog healthy eating Compy brand feed from Mercadona, which costs 20 euros for 20 kilos?…What do we feed our animals? How does our approach to feeding them affect their health? And if the feed is bad, What should my dog eat?
Today I am going to dedicate this article to show you a new point of view for the nutrition of your dogs, one that is much more economical and healthy, and that will make the animal more content and happy, since it will be eating well and will have a balanced diet for what it is, a dog. Without further ado, I leave you with the Canine Feeding Guide. I hope you enjoy reading.
What do we know about the topic?
The dog is a carnivore
I can't start talking about this without referring directly to my two previous posts on the subject of canine nutrition. On Dogs and food stress, I tell you directly and without mincing words, how what your dogs eat affects them. Also, in History of the Pet Food IndustryI am telling you the whole truth and nothing but the truth about what we feed our animals. You need to read them before starting with this guide.
As we have already made clear, dogs are carnivores. No omnivores. If we think about it carefully, they have only been with us for a few thousand years, about 15.000, and for an animal's basic diet to change, it takes much more than 150.000 years. It's like saying that cows are going to become omnivores and start eating meat just to be around us. It's hard to believe, isn't it? Well, it could certainly be possible, however, it would require a lot of time, time in quantities that are very difficult for us as humans to manage. Let's remember that our civilization is about 6000 years old.
Yes, our dogs are carnivores and they need that meat to be able to have a proper life and feel good. Before feed-based diets, dogs had a diet based basically on human leftovers, chicken shells, hunting remains, etc., and their food-related illnesses were virtually non-existent.
The dog food industry
Nowadays, with advanced technology around the canine food industry that should offer us quality products that make the task of feeding our animal in a healthy and uncomplicated way easier, the reality is that veterinary clinics are FULL of dogs with food intolerance problems, diabetes, kidney dysfunction, heart problems, etc. All this, despite having, in theory, specific products designed to help in the recovery of diseases.
However, nothing could be further from the truth. As I explained in a previous article: History of the Pet Food Industry, feeding our animals with feed has turned the waste of large corporations and multinationals into real gold, generating billions of dollars a year in profits. Yes, I said it right, billions of dollars. This makes it one of the industries that invests the most in advertising and customer loyalty, while it is also one of the sectors that large multinationals take the most care of. This allows them to convert waste from sectors such as human food, fertilizers or soaps, after simple processing, into a product that we can find on the market at exorbitant prices.
What role do veterinarians play?
One of the ways that multinationals use to maintain this great food scam is to influence the Veterinary educationIt is important to note that a veterinarian is a general practitioner for all animal breeds, which means that unless they specialize, their training in nutrition is usually basic and limited to studies sponsored by these corporations. This means that their knowledge in this field may be biased.
Major pet food brands finance and organize studies, conferences, books and events that support the scientific and social validity of their products. Veterinarians unconsciously act as spokespersons for these companies by recommending foods that, far from being beneficial, harm the health of our pets in the long term. It is crucial to question recommendations based solely on economic interests.
Proper nutrition for dogs
With all the information presented, it is clear that our dogs need a balanced diet based mainly on animal proteinsHowever, it is important to understand how to include other food groups in a healthy way.
Proteins: The basis of nutrition
Meat, bones, fish and eggs are the main sources of protein in a dog's diet. These provide essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized internally. It is essential to ensure the quality of these proteins to maximize their digestibility and take advantage of all the nutrients.
As a reference, it is ideal to offer lean meat from chicken, turkey, beef or even fish like salmonBones should be raw and meaty, avoiding those that can splinter and cause internal damage.
Fats: The main source of energy
Animal fats are the greatest source of energy for our dogs.Unlike humans, who obtain energy mainly from carbohydrates, dogs metabolize fats better in their diet. This includes natural fat found in meats and oils such as salmon oil, which also provides essential fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6.
Fruits and vegetables: Healthy supplement
Fruits and vegetables are a great addition to provide vitamins, minerals and fiber. Safer options for dogs include carrots, broccoli, blueberries and apples (without seeds). Avoid onions, grapes and avocado, as they can be toxic.
Carbohydrates and cereals: Moderation
Carbohydrates are not a primary necessity in the diet of dogs. However, in small quantities, Brown rice and cooked potatoes can be included as an additional energy source for active dogs.
In addition to these points, hydration is key in every dog's diet. It is also advisable to divide the daily ration into two or three meals to avoid gastric problems such as torsion.
By extending the life of our canine companions with proper nutrition, we can guarantee their well-being and vitality. This commitment begins with a diet that respects their biological needs and avoids overly processed foods.
Natural food also helps control your weight
Hello Maria. Thanks for comment. Totally true. All the best.
Hello good morning, what do you think of dehydrated dog food like naku or summun?
Thank you very much.
Hello Miriam. Thanks for comment. Both Naku and Summun are 2 good brands of dog food, however as I always say, it is not to just give them just that type of food either. I once again insist on two concepts that I like a lot, variety and criteria. All the best.
Hi itsukikatsuraLaura, thanks for commenting. In the guide, there is a taxonomy (the food pyramid) where you can see how the foods that best and worst come to your dog are listed. This taxonomy or pyramid, is already in itself, a guide on what is best for you and what feels worst for you. Then, already in the texts, I make specific indications and develop it a bit. If you read the article, you will be able to see that apart, that I speak of two concepts that I believe are main to be able to start feeding your dog in a logical way: Variety and Criterion. There are no 100% bad or 100% beneficial foods for the dog, as with humans, it is rather a question of quantities.
On the other hand, it gives me the feeling of not having explained myself totally well, or that is the feeling that remains, when reading your comment about what the dog should NOT eat. For my part, I urge you to read it again and consult me here with any specific questions you may have.
According to brands, I recommend NAKU in dehydrated foods and any feed from the Champion Foods factory. A greeting.
Hello, if you could help me with a diet for my dog, she has allergies, she is a Sharpei cross with a Labrador, the vet just told me that he did not give her something prepared that I did especially for her but that I only give her seeds but she is already 1 year old. 1 month and I think it's already 7 months with skin allergies, her hair falls out x parts, please help me, greetings from Chloé's part? and me his mom Canina Dennys
Thank you very much for this page, and for the feeding guide. I live in Colombia, I have an adopted dog that apparently was born from a cross between the bearded collie and another breed. Your articles seem very well supported by expert sources and with a lot of reasoning. Generally all industries hire scientists, doctors or experts to endorse their methods and products, which is usually not very ethical, if the expert is being financially rewarded by those same industries to endorse instead of looking for the convenient truth most of the species that are subject to this consumption.
On behalf of my dog, I thank you for the information, which at least makes many of us think, and take real measures that improve the quality of life of pets.
Thank you for the valuable information, and do not be afraid to tell the truth, it is inconceivable that our pets are harmed with the «» supposed food »» that has all the nutrients,… »« Pure wheat flour «and more trans "The same thing that is making people sick and killing and nobody says anything not to lose their" "slice" in such a lucrative business. I hope one day they will pay for the crime they commit left and right in the complicity of the authorities
Hello, a taste ... excellent article very true ... I have always given my dog a balance between homemade food and croquettes as intercalated ... after reading this I will correct some other mistakes that I have been committing such as not giving him bones ... I will try ... maybe adapting it to his diet little by little ... on the other hand my puppy lately has been developing very severe skin irritations ... maybe food poisoning ... I'm worried about !!! ... maybe there is an effective diet for his condition ???? P.S. (Breed: Siberian Huskie) very grateful !!!
Thank you very much for the article, it is very well documented and based on studies and proven facts. Congratulations. It has helped me a lot to orient myself and know that I can feed my dog.