Small, cheerful and dynamic, the pomeranian It is one of the most popular breeds in the world thanks to its graceful appearance and its characteristic and abundant mane. Historically associated with upper-class families, it owes its fame in large part to being a common pet among celebrities. In this article we summarize some curiosities that surround the life of this little furry.
1. It is also known as German dwarf spitz, referring to your country of origin.
2. It comes from the Nordic sled dogs of Iceland and Lapland, like the Siberian husky or the Alaskan malamute. It is a very striking fact, given the large difference in size. However, it must be taken into account that the Pomeranians of the 12th century weighed about XNUMX kg. The breed has varied due to the intervention of breeders.
3. It is about the smallest Nordic race, since its weight ranges between 1,5 and 3,5 kg. Its height is around 13 and 18 cm at the withers.
4. Is one of the longest-lived breeds, placing their life expectancy between 15 and 20 years.
5. The first club dedicated to the breed dates from 1891, In England. There it was very popular during the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, positioning itself as one of the favorite pets among the aristocracy and royalty.
6. XNUMX. En el In the canine intelligence ranking conducted by Dr. Stanley Coren in 1994, the pomeranian it occupies the 23 position.
7. It is called pomeranian due to the region of the same name, located between Poland and Germany, through which this dog reached Europe. There they were used as companion and herding dogs.
8. The Queen Charlotte of England She was a great lover of these animals, introducing them to the royal court around the year 1767. Queen Victoria would continue this hobby through her Pomeranian Marco, which she acquired in Florence. Between them they greatly increased the popularity of the breed.