Complete Guide to Glaucoma in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

  • Glaucoma In dogs it is a serious disease that can lead to blindness if not detected in time.
  • The symptom include red eyes, eye pain, and progressive vision loss.
  • El treatment It may be medical (eye drops), surgical, or include removal of the eye in extreme cases.
  • The regular eye check-ups They are key in predisposed breeds to ensure early detection.
Dog with glaucoma

Image - Oftalmovet de León

Glaucoma in dogs is a serious eye disease that can lead to irreversible blindness if it is not diagnosed and treated in time. It is one of the main causes of total loss of vision in adult dogs and affects both their quality of life and their general well-being. Below, we will explore in depth what glaucoma is in dogs, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and prevention measures.

What is glaucoma in dogs?

Eye problems in dogs

Glaucoma is defined as a abnormal increase in intraocular pressure which can progressively damage the optic nerve and retina. This damage results in progressive vision loss, which in advanced stages can be irreversible.

The liquid called aqueous humor, which is responsible for nourishing the internal structures of the eye, must drain properly. When drainage is blocked or does not function properly, fluid builds up, increasing intraocular pressure and causing structural damage to the eye.

Types of glaucoma in dogs

Primary glaucoma: This type has a strong hereditary component and usually appears in genetically predisposed breeds, such as the Siberian Husky, Shar Pei, Beagle and Cocker Spaniel. It often affects both eyes progressively.

Secondary glaucoma: It arises as a complication of other eye conditions, such as tumors, infections, lens dislocation or uveitis. This type can manifest more suddenly and cause severe symptoms, such as eye redness, Intense pain y rapid loss of vision.

Symptoms of glaucoma in dogs

Glaucoma in dogs

In its early stages, the symptoms of glaucoma may go unnoticed by the owner. However, in more advanced cases, the signs are more evident:

  • Red eyes and cloudy in appearance.
  • Eye pain, which may manifest as constant eye rubbing or irritability.
  • Progressive vision loss.
  • Enlarged or deformed eyeball (in severe cases).
  • Abnormal behavior, such as disorientation or aggression, due to associated pain.
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Diagnosis of glaucoma

Early diagnosis of glaucoma is crucial to preserving your pet's vision. Your veterinarian will use several tools to confirm the presence of this disease:

  • Tonometer: This instrument measures intraocular pressure and is essential for diagnosing glaucoma.
  • Ophthalmoscopy: It allows the inside of the eye to be examined for damage to the optic nerve or retina.
  • Gonioscopy: It helps to evaluate the structures of the iridocorneal angle, which is crucial for determining the type of glaucoma.

Treatment of glaucoma in dogs

Treatment varies depending on the cause and severity of the disease. Common options include:

  • Medical treatment: It involves the use of eye drops to reduce intraocular pressure. Medications may include inhibitors of aqueous humor production or agents that promote its drainage.
  • Surgical treatment: When medications are not enough, surgeries such as the placement of drainage valves or the application of lasers can be performed to reduce the production of aqueous humor.
  • Enucleation: In irreversible cases where the eye can no longer retain vision and is causing pain, removal of the eye is chosen.
Brown adult dog
Related article:
How to treat glaucoma in dogs

Glaucoma prevention

glaucoma in dogs causes and symptoms

While it is not always possible to prevent glaucoma, some measures can help minimize the risk:

  • Regular eye check-ups: Especially in predisposed breeds.
  • Maintain a safe environment to avoid eye trauma.
  • See your veterinarian if you notice any signs of eye disease, such as redness or discharge.
caring for a dog's eyes
Related article:
Complete guide to caring for your dog's eyes

Glaucoma in dogs is one of the most serious eye diseases that can affect our pets. Although early diagnosis and treatment can make a difference, we must always be alert to the first symptoms to ensure their well-being and quality of life.

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      moni said

    Hello, I have a dog over 5 years old, they were going to throw her out on a main avenue, where I live, but seeing this I can't stand it and snatch her from the crap of being that I was trying to throw her onto that avenue. that she had a spot in her right eye it has not grown but the vet tells me that she does not see well, she sees blurry, she eats a lot of everything, a few days ago I have seen her that she sleeps a lot and with this there are two days that she takes more frequently. Water is the same amount but more often, she drinks very little and it will be twice in a day and now no, change, it takes almost 5 times a day but the same amount worries me. She is calm, she does not play much all day, she walks, she barks, she is a normal dog and eats a lot and when I don't give her what she asks for, by this I mean the amount she needs, she leaves and at night her tummies thunder a lot. Also, make account that they cry so hard that you hear him, his belly and after that he turns to see the pansa and he gasps too much and his tongue turns very red and he does not look for water or anything he hides and does not come out. He will spend the night and at dawn until 12 o'clock he asks me for the food he accepts it for this I have to give him a little suspension so that that bad feeling goes away but many hours pass for him to eat, I do not know if you can advise me or serve me. I live in Mexico City, thank you for your assistance, I hope some answer to my questions.

      cinnamon said

    I like the first one, I put it on you