History and Evolution of the Pet Food Industry

  • James spratt marked the beginning of the industry in 1860 with the first dog biscuits, setting a standard for commercial foods.
  • The term "Complete Food" revolutionized pet food marketing in the 70s, cementing its place in the homes of pet owners.
  • Current manufacturers use industrial processes with additives and grains, which are often not suitable for the natural diet of carnivorous pets.
  • It is essential to read labels and choose products with natural ingredients and without chemical preservatives that are harmful to the health of pets.

History of the pet food industry

Today we are going to address a fundamental topic for all responsible pet owners: The origin and evolution of the dog and cat food industryUnderstanding the past and present of this industry helps us make more informed decisions about feeding our animals. From the first steps towards commercial pet food to today's sophisticated products, we will go through in detail the historical milestones and production processes of this industry so important to the health of our pets.

Origin of the Pet Food Industry

Pet food in ancient times

Getting Started: James Spratt and Dog Biscuits

The journey of pet food began in 1860 by the hand of American businessman James spratt. During a trip to England, Spratt observed sailors feeding dogs leftover biscuits made from flour, water and salt. Inspired, he developed the first commercial dog food: “Spratt's Dog & Puppy Cakes”This product marked the beginning of a revolutionary industry that would forever transform pet food.

In its early decades, the industry began to focus on the manufacturing of dry dog ​​foodSpratt's recipe, made from wheat, vegetables and bovine blood, proved to be a much more convenient and long-lasting alternative to the human food scraps commonly given to dogs. The biscuits were also easy to store and distribute.

International Expansion and the American Market

In the 1870s, Spratt expanded his business to the United States, where his idea was well received, especially among wealthy owners. His commercial success paved the way for other companies to enter the market. More varied products and different formats began to emerge, such as dry and canned foods.

First foods for pets

One of the most significant innovations was the introduction of Ken L Ration In 1922, the first canned wet dog food was introduced, the main ingredient of which was horse meat. This format quickly gained popularity, offering a more practical option for pet owners.

Evolution of Industry in the 20th Century

The Rise of Dry Foods and the “Whole Food” Label

In the 30s, companies such as Gaines Food Company, Nabisco and Quaker Oats They began to see the potential of using meat and grain by-products to manufacture dry food for pets. Not only was this approach more cost-effective, it also offered an effective solution for marketing waste from the human food industries. This led to the first pellet-shaped feeds, which were easier to store and had a long shelf life.

In the 70s, the label was introduced “Complete Food”, which assured consumers that the food contained all the essential nutrients for their pets. This marketing strategy, combined with campaigns discouraging home-cooked food, cemented the place of the food in households around the world.

Dog licking in front of a mountain of feed.
Related article:
Tips for choosing the best feed for your dog

The Emergence of Premium Feeds

In the 80s, manufacturers began to develop premium foods, focused on providing a more “nutritious” diet for different stages of a pet’s life. However, most of them continued to use traditional bases: high cereal and carbohydrate content, with low levels of animal protein.

Later, in the 90s, growing concern for food quality led to the rise of whole grain and organic feeds. These products promoted the use of ingredients “more natural”, although they were generally still rich in cereals.

quality feed

The Current State of the Industry

What Do Our Pets Really Eat?

Although the market has evolved, most of the commercial feed They are still made from processed raw materials, with high percentages of cereals and carbohydrates. It is important to note that these ingredients are not part of the natural diet of dogs and cats, both of which are primarily carnivorous animals.

Marketing has played a crucial role in perpetuating the idea that these foods are suitable. However, recent studies show that a diet high in carbohydrates and low in animal protein can have long-term negative consequences for the health of our pets, such as obesity and metabolic problems.

Manufacturers and Production Methods

Today, the major players in the industry are giants like Nestlé Purina, Mars Inc. and Colgate-Palmolive (Hill's Science Diet). These companies have dominated the market through strategic acquisitions and global marketing campaigns.

The process of manufacturing feed involves mixing ingredients, cooking them under high pressure in extrusion machines and adding additives such as preservatives and flavour enhancers. While this process ensures a long shelf life for the product, it also destroys many of the essential nutrients.

I think they are cereals for dogs
Related article:
I think without cereals, a new style to feed our dog

The Importance of Reading Labels

As responsible consumers, we must learn to read pet food labels. This includes identifying key ingredients and avoiding products that use ambiguous terms such as “animal by-products.” It is also advisable to opt for foods that use preservatives. natural, such as tocopherols (vitamin E), instead of potentially harmful chemical additives such as BHA or ethoxyquin.

Feed industries

The pet food industry has come a long way from Spratt's first biscuits to today's sophisticated products. However, we still face significant challenges, such as ingredient quality and label transparency. By making informed choices, we can ensure our pets are getting the nutrition they really need to live healthy, happy lives.

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      ana said

    and .. what do we give them to eat? if we suppress feed?

      Juanjo said

    I give my cats I feed from the Orijen brand, which is not exactly cheap and I complement it with wet food from Almo Nature or Applaws which, when opened, looks like food intended for humans. What is your opinion of this diet in this regard?

         Anthony Carter said

      Hi Juanjo. Thanks for comment. Orijen is a very good feed brand, whose product manufacturing processes have very high levels of quality, and as if that were not enough, they are sincere. Champion Foods is the feed manufacturer that is slowly changing the food market for our animals. They have published an Orijen White Book, which is the basis of many studies on the correct feeding of our animals, and they themselves recommend a healthy diet that contains natural products.

      josemari said

    I also eat offal, liver, brains, corns, brains, etc. We know that we eat manufactured in the flakes of purees, dried, canned, etc. What do we have to do?. Starve? It is good to report, so that we have quality, for us and our domestic workers, but why is the constructive news not given? Is there only chaos left for us? Why do these articles never provide solutions? It will be necessary to think.

      I think-Online.com said

    I have remained standing with the article. With what face do you say that I think is poison? By parts: 1. If so, it would not be on the market. 2. All brands have their detailed composition in the feed package, there everyone is free to choose what they want to give their pet. 3. All high-end feeds are made to provide the pet with the best, all the nutrients it needs, nutritional balance you can tell. You just rely on more articles and you are not right in what you say.
    Acana and Orijen for example are the best on the market, it is a natural feed without additives. It is proven that it has good results, especially on skin and hair. They carry between 50 and 80% animal protein, when well-known high-end brands move between 20-30%.
    Answer me something: Why veterinary range feed for specific problems (digestive, kidney, urinary, allergies, food intolerance, etc ...) have such good results and do they work? Do you have the solution in another way?

    I see that you do not answer anyone, it will be because you only rely on other articles and you do not have much idea. In the end, what we want is the best for our pet, and the feed provides all the nutrients they need.

      Anthony Carter said

    Hello Kiko85. Thanks for comment. Anything from Champion Foods is a good thing. You can be calm.

      Anthony Carter said

    Hello Raul. There are brands like Acana, Orijen or Fresh! that offer a very high quality in their manufacturing processes. Champion Foods is a good manufacturer. You will not read negative comments from them. All the best.

      Lights said

    Hi Sergio, thanks for answering. I would like to know if you know the applaws brand. Can they be compared to champion food brands? It is the one I think I give my cats lately because they got stinky. I give my dogs acana

      Lights said

    Forgiveness. I called you Sergio. Antonio wanted to say clear

         Anthony Carter said

      Hi Luci. Don't worry, they called me worse things. I do not know that brand, and I do not know much about feeding cats, however there is one thing that I do know, the responsible brands offer on their labeling the exact composition with the percentages of what each thing contains. Also look for information at Nutricionistadeperros.com, that good Carlos Alberto Gutierrez, is also a cat nutritionist. A greeting and thanks for comment.

      Anthony Carter said

    Hello Epona, thank you for commenting and sorry for the delay in answering you.
    First things first.
    It is cheaper for you to feed them natural food than I think. As cheap as this is.
    A kilo of chicken is worth a little less than 2 eu in a normal supermarket.
    One kilo of the cheapest feed is worth 2 eu.
    A large dog must eat 1,5% of its weight in natural food, which must be 60% small prey animal protein (chicken, quail, rabbit, etc.), and the rest 20% cooked rice or vegetables and the other 20% of yogurt, cheese, a hard-boiled egg ...
    I don't know those brands, I'm sorry I can't help you. However, I would not trust myself much, really.
    The ingredients usually come to you ... pure chemistry ...
    For dogs with kidney failure, I recommend that you consult the work of Dr Donald Strombeck, who although it is in English, his book "Home Prepared dogs and cats diets: The Heathful alternative" is a great work of world reference.
    Thanks for the compliments!!!
    A greeting!

      Anthony Carter said

    Hello Mirta, thanks for commenting.
    Your dogs eat like kings !!!
    Yes ma'am.
    Increase animal protein so that it is about 60% of your daily diet and everything will go smoothly.
    A hug!

      ali said

    Call it destiny, call it coincidence or whatever you want to call it ... I am going to open a dog groomer in San Jerónimo Seville, and I have done the course with Carlos Gutierrez whom I admire, and now I find that there is someone very close who has the same philosophy in canine nutrition . I feed my dog ​​Flamenka for two years with homemade diets and bones and hey, great. I want to do Carlos' apostolate in my business little by little. I am very happy to hear from someone who, in addition to being close and working in the guild, advocates respect for the canine and feline species. Greetings

      Laura said

    Thank you very much for publishing this article.
    I have been feeding my dog ​​the barf diet for some time, (for those who do not know it, it is raw meat, bones well surrounded by meat and raw, viscera, vegetables and fruits, eggs, fish, natural yogurt or kefir, etc etc) obviously frozen first to kill possible parasites, and not only is he stronger, healthier, more agile and handsome than ever, but his allergies are part of the past, and his analytics are 10.
    Feed is a scam and a mafia and we should not be part of it by making our dogs / cats sick by giving them feed.

      stolis said

    Look, perroflauten, you can translate the American articles you want and cook caviar for your dogs, but if in the second copied paragraph you say that the feed is made from the remains of sick animals, animals that cannot enter any slaughterhouse in the European Union for law and that is strictly carried out since the mad cow case, your entire article is disqualified. also do not talk about feed from 2 centuries ago when in Spain no dog ate feed before the 70 ...

      LIGIA PARRA OR said

    Hello. I am writing to you from Colombia. I want to share a piece of news that comes from our experience. I fed my Hills doggies and they just died. We always feed them with HIlls and believe me it is a poison. By God how to believe in this? the industry and the veterinarians make us believe that it is the best, but we are not killing them little by little, their complications are horrible and painful. We cannot continue to believe in these industries or in veterinarians who, in order to profit from their sales, stick the best food through our eyes. Oh my God. one of my dogs freaked out when I changed it to hills7 + was searching the ground. Both with chronic gastritis, tumors, obstructions, tremors. Please keep looking for testimonials more than what appears.

      LIGIA PARRA OR said


    I am from Colombia . I attest 100% that Hills is poison. My two dogs just died. Causing them pain. A thousand complications put together for that damn concentrate. The biggest one changed him to hills 7+ and went crazy, looked for food on the ground, changed his behavior and did not go back to doing what he was doing. He just died 15 days ago. And the other 4-year-old pet wasn't spared either. Both with chronic gastritis, obstructions, kidney damage. By God this ends DO NOT GIVE YOUR CONCENTRATED ANIMAL, by God; Let's cook for them, they are killing us. It's too late for me, but I leave you this painful teaching

      Mirelly said

    This I suspected for a long time, I am completely sure that the same happens with processed foods for humans as well as medicines and eye…. I have no proof but I am sure that all diseases are built in laboratories to be applied to people. The reality is that neither fruit and vegetables are suitable for human consumption however… .. We are usual animals and as much as real animals, our organs are ready to consume whatever comes.

      Miguel said

    I have been feeding my pets for decades and they have all had very long lives (15-16 years on average) and they have had a lot of health and vitality until they were very old. I think the article is exaggerated and goes along the "anti-system" line.