Usually, a mother dog will take care of her little ones with love and tenderness, but sometimes things do not go well and the pups are orphaned. When that happens, the person who rescues them must provide them with all the care they need in this fragile stage.
It's hard work, but it's so worth it. If you are interested in knowing how to care for a puppy without a mother, at Mundo Perros we will provide you with the information you need.
How to mother a puppy from days to 3 months?
Put it in a comfortable and warm place
Newborn puppies cannot regulate their body temperature and could become hypothermic almost without our realizing it. To avoid it, it is extremely important to keep them in a bed or cradle for dogs, keep it in a room where there are no drafts.
If at that time we do not have any, we can use a plastic box in which we will put blankets. In addition, and especially if it is autumn-winter, you have to put a thermal bottle near them wrapped in a cloth so they don't burn.
Feed him every 2-3 hours
So they can grow properly you have to give them replacement milk that we will find for sale in veterinary clinics and in pet stores in a bottle.
You should not give them cow's milk as it could make them feel bad. The frequency will normally be every 2 hours, but if we see that they sleep peacefully at night, we should not wake them up.
Puppies should be placed face down, that is, put them on their legs. This way there will be no risk of suffocation.
Keep clean
After eating, clean their mouths and stimulate the ano-genital area with a cloth or cotton moistened with warm water, using one for each thing (mouth, urine and feces).
If we see that it is difficult for them to defecate, we will give them a circular massage, in a clockwise direction, in the abdomen ten minutes after eating. Afterwards, we stimulate them again.
Sterilize the bottle and nipples
It is important to do this to prevent infection. Use disinfectant products designed for baby items or carefully a steam sterilizer. Another option is to bring them to a boil in a pot of water.
Protect against internal and external parasites
At the age of two weeks it is a good time to give them a syrup that eliminates any internal parasites that they may have. If you are in Spain, the vet will recommend giving them Telmin Unidia for 5 days, and repeat the treatment after 15 days.
FOR the fleas, ticks and other external parasites, you have to wait until they turn six weeks, at which time it will be time to get their first vaccinations.
What to do when a puppy is rejected by the mother
When this happens you should not be alarmed, and the best thing you can do is go to a veterinary professional, to do a general review of the situation, reviewing our dog in detail. This does not mean that it is specific that it accepts dogs, so their development may also depend on you.
How to feed a puppy if it does not have a mother?
You must create the right environment for the puppies to sit in a space similar to the one that their mother would give them. Find a warm or heated place.
At this time it will be essential that feed them with this special preparation every 3 hours, 24 hours a day, since he urgently needs it, since his mother's milk is very important in these first days.
How to make milk for puppies?
In stores and veterinarians you can get some powders that dissolve in hot water and a package in which a bottle prepared especially for the situation will also come. We must boil the water and then only shake the indicated amount of this powder in that water.
How to clean newborn puppies and how to teach them to do it?
To clean newborn puppies you should avoid excess water and in this first stage also soap. The best thing would be to remove the dirt and quickly make it dry again. In some cases, wet cloths are also used, without any type of chemical products, of course.
Stimulation so that they can urinate and defecate is very important. They cannot do it on their own, therefore you have to massage your abdomen to achieve it. This should be done at least as long as he has finished eating.
What are the diseases that a puppy can get without a mother?
Generally, when talking about animal diseases, only those viral, very typical and classic ones of pets are usually taken into account, but it is known that currently puppies tend to reach veterinarians with other types of diseases that usually affect these animals more from their birth to the first months.
That is why Next we will show you all the types of diseases that your dog can contract When you are going through the first part of your life:
If your puppy has a constant diarrhea as a symptom, surely your problem has to do with this protozoan called Giardiasis. This is found in an increasing number of cases and its contagion is through the incorporation of cysts of great infectious power.
According to specialists, the contagion is very fast and it is known that almost 50 percent of puppies usually have it, only that in some cases they do not present any type of symptoms, while in others, there are discomfort associated with diarrhea.
The problem itself consists in poor absorption of food by the digestive system, something that if it occurs chronically can lead to a great weakness of the dog.
Also called demodectic mange, these are parasites that cause inflammation and this is caused by a disproportionate increase in mites. This can bring inconveniences for the puppy, such as various types of infectious diseases of a bacteriological nature and furunculosis.
The mite that ends up overpopulating the dog's coat is demodex canis, which is usually found regularly in all puppies, but in smaller populations that do not affect it.
Before we mentioned one of the reasons why your dog may show symptoms of diarrhea, but there is also another, which also shows many cases in the veterinary world. In the case of coccidiosis, the diarrhea will be even more watery and may have some blood stains, either occasionally or more frequently.
There is a form of this that is much more dangerous and harmful, which is the one caused by the Crystosporidium agent, which usually attacks the intestinal mucosa causing great damage. This can lead the puppy to gastric complications for which it will be convenient to start a rehydration process.
These parasites are great enemies of the organism of our small animals. The most impressive of these are its measurements, which can reach about 10 centimeters long, something completely disproportionate for the body of the puppies.
When a picture of ascariasis occurs in our puppy, this is caused by toxacara leonina or toxacara canis, and its presence in an excessive amount can lead to a high level of inability to process food by the digestive system.
The transmission of these toxacaras can be in many ways, to the point that the puppy could have contracted them through the placenta, by its mother and even in the lactation process.
In one-month-old puppies, this can cause severe abdominal pain, and during adulthood it is possible for dogs to contract them from eggs scattered in parks.
As its name suggests, there is a mite called Cheyletiella and this has a large size as a characteristic, which is why it is sometimes called "walking dandruff".
A disease that can even be transmitted by ourselves, because shows contagious characteristics also for humans and many cases are known in which the parasite was found in the first instance in its owners.
One of those viral diseases that is best known in the world of pets, since it was one of the most challenging for veterinarians for a long time.
This changed over time and today there are not so many cases of parvo virus as there used to be in other times. This is a disease that today has a higher incidence in those populations of dogs that are not vaccinated.
The virus had a very unfavorable evolution for animals, to the point that there are different types of virus samples in different puppies, product of the mutation to survive.
Canine distemper
One of the most severe diseases, which in some cases can be fatal, is the canine distemper. This is due to the large number of parts of the dog's body that it can attack. It is a disease with a high degree of contagion, and it can bring gastrointestinal, respiratory, ocular and urogenital problems among many others.
The virus will enter the puppy's body through the air, even reaching the lymph nodes, where it will reproduce to spread throughout the respiratory system. Secondary bacterial diseases are the main cause of this.
What are the reasons why a puppy can be rejected?
There are many reasons why one or more puppies can be rejected and among them it can happen that the mother is too young and it's too early, since they do not get to produce the necessary amount of milk; who has health problems that the childbirth has brought; socializing problems and stress.
We hope it has been useful to you.
I have a 27-day-old puppy, the mother left him and they don't sell that milk around here, there is only cow's milk, as I hydrate it, I see it very weak
I have a dog of 1 month and 12 days ... at night it is a bit of a drag crying I have a bed and stuffed animals. And on the subject of food, milk does not want she wants only thin sliced turkey breast and pate for puppies, would that be fine for such a small dog? And water .. how many times a day do I give it