When a puppy is adopted or acquired, you really want to take it out for a walk from day one, to enjoy the outdoors with it, and why not? To make new friends and be a happy furry. However, many doubts often arise about what is the best time to get it out, especially if you don't have any vaccines.
Thus, it is common for us to wonder when I can walk my puppy, not in vain, it is so small that we want to protect it from everything bad that can happen to it. But it is not necessary to worry more than necessary: below we will give you a series of tips so that you and your little friend can walk in peace.
The walk is something that all dogs should be able to do every day. They are animals that need to go out in order to be able to relate to others of their species and those of others; otherwise, they would most likely end up being sad and frustrated dogs. To avoid this, it is essential to go for a walk with them from the first moment that you can. Y, When is that time?
Well, there are several theories about it: many veterinarians recommend waiting until they have all the vaccines, that is, until they are about 4 months old; on the contrary, ethologists and trainers believe that it is better to start taking them out after 2 months, since the period of socialization goes from 8 to 12 weeks, and it is during that time when the dogs learn everything they need about social relationships. Who to listen to?
The decision is very personal. I can tell you that I live with 3 dogs and at 3 I started taking them out when they were two months old, when they already had two vaccinations. Yes indeed, be very careful not to go to places where there may be dog or other animal feces, since otherwise the health of the furry could be put at risk.
Likewise, it is important that they be dewormed before, so that parasites, both external and internal, cannot harm them.
With these tips, you can go out for a walk without having to worry about anything .